
SALES SUCCESS in 15 Minutes or Less!

MicroSeminars is Sales Training the way it should be - fast, easy, accessible, instant... and effective.

STOP losing the sales you could, and should, be closing!

“Success doesn’t come from talent alone. Success requires infinitely more discipline than it does talent. To be consistently successful in any endeavor, you need a process, you need to be a student of that process, and you need the discipline and the commitment to execute that process time and time again.Success… It’s your journey; allow me to help you.” - John Ace Underwood


Sales Training for 2021... and beyond. 

Now, sales training does NOT require hours of classroom study, time away from the sales floor, or expensive offsite seminar.  Get TOP-RATED sales training delivered by a master teacher, right from your desk - in just 15 minute sessions, twice per week!

  • WEEKLY  15-Minute INSTRUCTIONAL Videos sent directly to your email every Monday
  • WEEKLY  5-Minute IMPELMENTATION Videos sent directly to your email every Wednesday
  • Unlimited Access to MicroTALKS with TOP SALES ACHIEVERS (Video)
  • Unlimited Access to current sales MicroTOPICS (Video)
  • Unlimited Access to my absolute best sales MicroTIPS (Video)
  • Over 1 FULL YEAR of continuous content, and we’re adding more all the time

Subscribe today to begin taking your sales to the next level!

The hardest business to measure is the business you lose and the only way you can protect yourself from losing those sales you could and should be closing is to continually level up your skills.

Is it easy? NO. But hopefully you didn’t get into professional selling because someone told you it was easy. Like most things in life, it’s not all that difficult either… you just have to know what to do.

A lot of changes have taken place in the way people shop, think and buy and those changes have had a major impact on the way you have to sell. Technology alone has radically altered the way your consumers shop and the way they buy.

If you’re still using the same antiquated selling methodology we used only 10 years ago, you’re not only losing sales, but you’re actually doing things on purpose, that are undermining your sales success. The first step of learning what works, is to STOP doing what doesn’t work.

MicroSEMINARS is designed for those who see success as both a journey and a destination. It’s for those who are never satisfied with good enough and are always looking for their next challenge. MicroSEMINARS isn’t just a training company or a video content provider. We’re building a community, a community of driven and motivated sales professionals looking to get to the top, wherever it may be.